



怀揣梦想的年轻人,白天为了生活努力打拼,结束工作后也希望有家的温馨生活,但合租房中的共享厨房往往无法同时满足每个人的需求。 合租的人们既需要空间来收纳厨具,也需要一个专属于自己的操作台。《B-Mine》应运而生,它就像是卧室中的迷你岛台。让合租一族在结束繁忙的都市生活后,能慢下来享受专属于自己的生活。

Young people with dreams, working hard for life during the day, and hope to have a warm life after finishing their work, but the shared kitchen in the shared house often cannot satisfy everyone's demands at the same time. The tenants need personal space to store kitchenware already, also need the work station that is exclusive at oneself. B-Minecame into being, it is like a mini island in the bedroom. After the end of the busy city life, the tenants can relax and enjoy their own life.