
产品:8- 水磨石落地灯



圆无处不在,它是创造所有事物的基础关系之一,简单明了。圆是平等,它没有阶级,先后和终止。圆圈象征着自然或整个宇宙的过程,从旭日符号到天体运动,圆的趣味无穷无尽。以圆形塑切割石材垃圾废料,让它归于生活的平和中庸,是一种物的循环圆满。系列涵括衣帽架/ 茶几/ 台灯/ 落地灯与桌面摆件。扎根于中国本土加工业亟待转型发展的生产环境,以及对云浮石材行业近五年的深入接触,充分利用珠三角地区日趋精益的机械加工技术,以产品系统挑战精细化、机械化程度更高的生产模式,探讨石材『垃圾』与产业接驳的稳定闭环。而作为设计产品,造型简单,高吻合耐耗的部件,并非多此一举的水磨石棱边折角,材料上一贯用心的自然质感与抗污耐撞性能。

Circles are everywhere. It is one of the basic relationships that creates everything, simple and straightforward. The circle is equal, it has no class, it has a sequence and it ends. The circle symbolizes the process of nature or the entire universe, from the symbol of the rising sun to the movement of celestial bodies, the interest of the circle is endless. Cutting stone garbage waste with round plastics, letting it return to the peace and mediocrity of life, is a kind of circular perfection. The series includes coat racks / tables / table lamps / floor lamps and table decorations. Rooted in the production environment of China's local processing industry that is in urgent need of transformation and development, and in-depth contact with the Yunfu Stone Industry in the past five years, it has made full use of the increasingly lean machining technology in the Pearl River Delta region to challenge refined and mechanized production with product systems Mode to explore the stable closed loop of the connection between stone "garbage" and industry. As a design product, the shape is simple, and the parts with high wear resistance are not the folds of the terrazzo edges. The material has always been carefully designed with natural texture and anti-fouling performance.